Re:Flexion Blog

Flexion wins contract to support CFPB in evaluating financial education content

Flexion wins contract to support CFPB in evaluating financial education content 1500 750 Flexion

Latest Flexion win partners Flexion with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Office of Financial Education to evaluate, evolve financial education digital content and products.

Flexion awarded contract to revolutionize Head Start’s Data Management System

Flexion awarded contract to revolutionize Head Start’s Data Management System 1501 751 Flexion

Flexion is proud to announce that it has secured a significant contract to operate, maintain, and enhance the Head Start Enterprise System (HSES) for the Office of Head Start (OHS).

Flexion joins AWS Public Sector Partner Program, enhancing commitment to public sector software projects

Flexion joins AWS Public Sector Partner Program, enhancing commitment to public sector software projects 1500 750 Flexion

Flexion has been accepted into the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Public Sector Partner program. This milestone underscores Flexion’s dedication to providing innovative solutions and exceptional services to government agencies and organizations.

Why I love a complainer (and you should, too)

Why I love a complainer (and you should, too) 1501 751 Flexion

Discover the transformative power of listening to ‘squeaky wheels.’ Communication theory teaches us how dissenting voices can be invaluable problem solvers and catalysts for positive change.

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