California Consumer Privacy Act Data Request

Make a CCPA data request

    All fields are required

    What are your consumer rights under the CCPA?

    For a complete description of your data protection rights under the CCPA please see the Flexion Website Privacy Policy.

    If you’d like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email: or submit the form on this page.

    How we will process your request

    We’ll acknowledge your request within 10 business days and endeavor to provide a substantive response within 45 calendar days following the receipt of your request. If we require more time to respond to your request or to verify your request, we may extend this process for up to an additional 45 days, in which case we’ll notify you of the extension and the reason for such extension.

    About your request

    The processing of this request is free of charge, but we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee under certain circumstances.

    If you are submitting a request on behalf of another consumer, you must provide written proof that you have been authorized by the consumer to operate on their behalf when you reply to the verification email.

    About your personal information

    The information you provide here will be processed solely for the purpose of verifying your identity and residency, identifying the information you’re requesting, and answering your request. Your personal information will be accessed by our designated privacy staff only.

    This information will be used to process your CCPA request and for no other purpose. Flexion Inc. will maintain a record of your request pursuant to Civil Code section 1798.105(d).

    Proof of identity

    In order for us to verify your identity, we’ll contact you to request a photo or scan of a current photo ID (driving license, national identity card, or passport).

    Proof of address

    In order for us to verify your address, we’ll contact you to request a photo or scan of a current proof of address (driving license, recent utility bill, or bank statement).

    Your proof of ID and residency will be deleted once your request has been answered.

    Privacy Preferences

    When you visit our website, we store information through your browser from specific services, usually in the form of cookies. Feel free to change your Privacy preferences now:

    Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking code.
    Click to enable/disable Google Fonts.

    You can also adjust your privacy preferences at any time by visiting the Privacy Policy. Blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our website.

    Google Analytics tracking is disabled by default, but you can help us understand and improve your experience by enabling it.