How we work
With agile mindsets, we fuel digital transformation

With trust and a shared purpose, we can deliver great things.
We’re here as your partner to solve your toughest business and technology problems through agile transformation, allowing us to build flexible solutions that enable your business to grow.
Client relationships begin with trust
It’s the foundation that every project is built on. For most people, the natural default is one of mistrust. We quickly put ingredients in place to allow trust to emerge naturally, allowing us to focus on customer outcomes that matter. Whether we’re embedding a whole team or a single resource into your existing development process or hiring an individual contributor to work on-site to supplement a skillset you need, we always lead with trust and transparency.

How we build trust
1. Autonomy
We allow teams to manage themselves and form trusting bonds with one another.
2. Collaboration
We encourage problem-solving through constant teamwork and communication.
3. Skills
We hire multi-talented experts who do whatever’s needed to deliver and hold each other accountable.
The real meaning of agile
For many organizations, being agile means having standups, writing users stories, and developing in sprints. While those are mechanisms to help facilitate an agile approach, true agile is more than a step-by-step process. And implementing it effectively often requires shifts in your organization’s culture.
Slices not layers
Think of a layer cake, with each layer representing a part of the development process—architecture, data, and user interface, for instance. Instead of building the bottom layer (architecture), then the middle layer (data), then frosting the cake (user interface), we cut down into the cake in little bite-size slices, ensuring we get a fully composed bite (piece of functionality) with flavors from each layer represented in each delicious fork-full.
Why this is good for you
By itself, each layer isn’t very helpful. There’s no way to really test it with users. But when you layer all three together into tiny slices, it not only gives the team a sense of accomplishment (you can actually build production-ready functionality in a single sprint!), but delivers something real for users and product owners to react to.
Options not predictions
Projects often start with a laundry list of exhaustive functionality for an MVP. How many times do you actually build all those things (and only those things) in the original timeframe? Probably never. Because decisions, needs, and constraints change constantly. We make technical decisions with the explicit intent of providing options at all scales and levels. Truly agile development increases your ability to identify, create, cull, and exploit options for your organization.
Why this is good for you
Creating this kind of ingrained flexibility allows you to easily change your mind, adjust course, or quickly respond to an evolving marketplace. It enables you to take risks and explore new opportunities while minimizing exposure. It also increases productivity (up to tenfold) because you don’t spend time building things you don’t need.
Agile coaching & advising
We don’t come in and “teach you agile,” per se. We’re there to teach you how to create and cultivate more options at all scales of your business and to empower you to learn what’s possible. True mastery comes from doing, and our team is there to make sure you have the support you need to succeed as you learn.